Saturday, 6 October 2012

Dedicated to my Beloved Teacher!

When I stepped into this renowned institution;
I met a teacher of high ambition.
Whose will, power and confidence cannot be measured;
On the basis of his treasure.

He is the fan of great many leaders;
That is why he has the place of great masters.
He is our friend and a teacher;
Always charming with honest and pleasure.

He told the stories of Doppler and Kalaam;
Kennedy, Lincoln and many like them.
Narrated the stories of scientists of our nation,
Sir Ayer, Rangan and Dhavan.

Worked heartily and hard with might;
For the whole of day and night.
Believes only in hard work;
And that is the top secret of his life!!

Turning many stones into sculptures,
Making us come out with flying colors.
Sacrificed his rest and many many things;
Only to make us shine as diamonds!!

My first poem when I was  in class 11! :)

A Smiling Heart

My brother,is a best friend I found;
With whom, I love to be around.
Though we fuss and fight;
Still love with might.

For me, a lot he cares;
When in trouble, he is always there.
Just love to trouble and irritate;
And there is no mistake.

With whom, I share my secrets;
I'm lucky to find such 'smiling heart'!!
And found, such of them is only one,
In a million!!

The lovely one whom I have;
As always, so lucky to have.
For such a person who is so thoughtful;
This poem fits and my brother is wonderful…!!!!