Saturday, 31 January 2015


"Your love, so unselfish AND pure;
All the wounds of the soul, it can cure
'Mother' may be a six letter word
But you make my entire world!"

Things that define her:

My inspiration: During my failures, when I was in tears & pains it was my mom who gave me the strength AND courage to overcome my fears. She advised me not to brood about the past & asked me to move on with life. She always says: "Dhayryam Sarvastra Sadhanam", which means you can win the world with courage.

Dynamic person: In few more years, my mom will be a senior citizen. And at this age its not easy for a woman to be dynamic, energetic AND enthusiastic. She is an 18 year old girl, who hops in to learn something new. Be it a new stitch, a new recipe, be it anything, she's always enthusiastic to learn. In fact, she is more lively than me!

My teacher: Yes, indeed. My mom is the first and ever best teacher. She has taught a lot and teaches me every single day how to lead better and a successful life.

My friend: Again, my first best friend since the time I was born in her womb. A very loving person who understands us AND come to a conclusion in her children's point of view.

Her journey from OR to AND:

Do you think the above mentioned words define my mom? Nope! She is a wife, a daughter, a reliable true friend of many, a home-maker, my favorite and best ever cook, a sister, a lover of nature like me AND a many more.
In the last 21 years, not even once I have seen her whining about her daily chores. She's a woman with a wide range of avocations - cooking, singing, reading, crafting, stitching AND the list goes on. She manages to do a lot many things in wee hours.
Not a single person goes unfed from her. Be it anyone- family, friends or a maid. A lovely AND a lively woman, I have ever met in my life.
She is sweet AND feisty! :)
Love you mom, proud of you! :)

This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“.

Friday, 23 January 2015


Bits of pieces scattered all over
Trying hard to put them together
Journey, goals and life a battle
To fill those empty places of a big puzzle

Not all time do pieces fit
Never mind, sometimes you have to forget it
Because you can't fit where you don't belong
Else the whole puzzle will go wrong

Every thy problem is a puzzle piece
Hard to set right while some at ease
You use pieces & lose some too
Life both sturdy or sad and blue

Notches, several bonds of life
You have to build sometimes with strife
Stop the quest for the best not in detest
Only to complete the puzzle, a requisite!

After all, life is a pristine & beautiful puzzle
And to fit everything right is a challenge!

Linking to: ABC Wednesday- B
            2 shoes Tuesday

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

You my ink

You have been my first love since I know
You be with me, wherever I go
When my lips can't speak, you do
Every passing day, the more I grow in you!

You heal my wounds inflicted by a reason
Keeping me so happy for all seasons!
Share with you more than smiles & laughs
Giving me wings to my unrefined thoughts!

More than any friend, amicable & true
Senseless thoughts, my tears, ails I etch in you
Crazy fantasies, frivolous dreams not a few;
'Cause I breath-in an experience & breath-out you!

My mirror, a perfect reflection of me
To unlock the inner me, you are the key
Let this divine love forever be
You are an architect of my life, who completes me! 

Linking to: Poetry Jam for the prompt "Writing"

Monday, 19 January 2015

Things that define ME!

Giving introduction in one or two sentences is the biggest task. When I am asked to define myself I say my name, city, school & the college I have been studying. Though I feel like mentioning more, I don't. It's often difficult to make people understand. Hence, I thank BlogAdda for giving me a chance to let others know who I am & the those things that define 'ME'!

A writer:
Writing has always been my passion and my ink has been my first love, ever since I know. Without my ink, I am never complete. My crazy dreams, my secret fantasies, my joys, my tears, my ails, the ink knows it all.My poems are the deepest reflection of who I am. Poetry is my favorite while articles & stories are a cat's jump! I write about anything & everything. Fantasy, love, life, nature are my favorite genres. My poems have been published in many online magazines & various sites. I feel happy to say that its been a wonderful journey & I would love to write even more. Thoughts, emotions, opinions, feelings are best expressed through an art & the art which I have been blessed with is of course, writing and I must thank Him for that. In my poems, I speak my mind.

An avid reader: 
Along with the passion of writing, there comes reading too. I love to read be it a blog, a novel, a book or a piece of an article or a poem. In short, anything other than text-books! :P A cup of coffee & an interesting novel in my hand, I am carried away into my own world! Again, reading keeps me so alive! :D

A cook:
I surely thank my mom for this. My mom is my first & best ever teacher while  Google and Sanjeev Kapoor are my next! :P Various recipes, may be something for lunch, variety of sweets, morning breakfast, evening snacks, almost everything! I love trying new recipes. I am happy to say with every passing day I am a better cook. My friends & family love the food, I cook! :)

A Student: 
Well formally speaking, I am a student pursuing Engineering in Information Science. But, I feel I am always a student never a master. I have to keep moving forward. Forever, I am a student, a student of life. Other than my academics there are a number of things that interest me. Spending time with divine nature, listening to music, enjoying movies & psychology is my favorite. Thus, I have a wide range of interests. 

A dreamer: 
Yes, you read it right. Yes, I am a girl With a million dreams.  I dream of lot many things & try my best to conquer them. I am that one crazy dreamer you see! Its the only way, to escape from reality. Because sometimes reality is too hard! :P 

Finally, do you think the above things define me? Nope! I am a friend, sister, a daughter, an
admirer of arts, a lover of nature etc. I love to do the whole nine yards, I have mentioned above &
they are the things that define me! :D :)

This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus“.